My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To is a powerful and unique vampire tale [NIGHTSTREAM]

The feature debut from writer-director Jonathan Cuartas features a great cast including Patrick Fugit, Owen Campbell, and Ingrid Sophie Schram.

4 years ago

An Unquiet Grave is a masterclass in low-budget horror filmmaking [NIGHTSTREAM]

A haunting and affecting two-hander from writer/director Terence Krey.

4 years ago

Cannibalism action-horror film BLOODY HELL bites off more than it can chew [NIGHTSTREAM]

A captured ex-solider tries to escape from a deranged family in this overstuffed action-horror film.

4 years ago

Bloodthirsty is a queer werewolf tale with bite [Fantastic Fest]

A pop singer discovers her terrifying true nature in Amelia Moses' Bloodthirsty.

4 years ago