
GUNDA filmmaker Viktor Kossakovsky on bringing the interior life of animals to light in his remarkable documentary

Gunda is an achingly intimate look at the lives of a series of farm animals that will forever change the…

4 years ago

IN THE EARTH writer-director Ben Wheatley on his secret pandemic horror film and THE MEG 2

We speak with IN THE EARTH writer-director Ben Wheatley about shooting the film in the midst of the pandemic, and…

4 years ago

Like a House on Fire: Montreal filmmaker Jesse Noah Klein on his moving new drama starring Veep’s Sarah Sutherland

Montreal filmmaker Jesse Noah Klein on his new film LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE, a moving drama starring Sarah Sutherland,…

4 years ago

VIOLATION filmmaking duo Madeleine Sims-Fewer and Dusty Mancinelli break down their “anti-revenge” feature debut

After making the festival rounds since last fall, Violation, the uncompromisingly visceral and strikingly beautiful twist on the rape-revenge genre,…

4 years ago

COME TRUE writer-director Anthony Scott Burns: “I miss movies that are divisive”

The COME TRUE filmmaker on his unsettling new horror film that plays out like a waking nightmare. Read our interview…

4 years ago

Helter Skelter: An American Myth director Lesley Chilcott: “Charles Manson was not a master criminal”

The 6-episode documentary is airing now via Hollywood Suite (Canada) and EPIX (United States).

4 years ago

SAINT MAUD writer-director Rose Glass on her terrifying feature directing debut

The long-awaited horror film finally arrives on video-on-demand on February 12.

4 years ago

Writer/director Richard Kelly: “Southland Tales was like throwing the greatest dinner party possible”

Donnie Darko writer/director Richard Kelly on the new Arrow Video Southland Tales release, his planned 6-hour cut of the film,…

4 years ago

Tesla’s Brian Wheat: “I’m more proud of the second half of our career than the first half”

We spoke with Tesla bassist and co-founder Brian Wheat about his new autobiography and 35 years of life in Tesla.

4 years ago

Interview: Sex Pistols mastermind Malcolm McLaren gets his proper due in Paul Gorman’s The Life & Times of Malcolm McLaren biography

Gorman's huge new biography sheds the facade to reveal McLaren's massive impact on pop culture as we know it today.

4 years ago